Type 2 Diabetes Guide

How to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes

If you are , , or are otherwise at risk for , there are things you can do to . Several risk factors contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Here are some of the most common causes.

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  1. , or having a high Body Mass Index (ratio of weight to height).
  2. Poor eating habits such as an unbalanced diet or overeating.
  3. Poor food choices, such as an , sugary snacks, fast food, or fatty fried foods.
  4. Lack of regular physical exercise.
  5. A .

Here are a few tips on how to lower your risk of getting diabetes:

  • Work with a dietitian or nutritionist to plan a diet that suits your individual needs. Then follow it! will contribute to how well you manage your blood sugar levels, an important consideration for diabetics (or those at risk of becoming diabetic).

    You may wish to do a little research first before you meet with your dietitian. The is one tool that can help you choose manage a healthier way of eating. Generally you will want to reduce the amount of sweet, salty, refined or processed foods, fried or fatty foods; cut down on alcohol consumption; and eat a wholesome diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain starches, and lean proteins.

  • Go see your doctor or healthcare provider. He or she will take a patient history and discuss with you any you may be experiencing, assess your risks, and order blood tests if he feels it's warranted. Your doctor can then determine if you have , pre-diabetic, or already diabetic. It's not uncommon for people to delay or avoid - after all, no one wants bad news! - but it's best to know where you stand so that you can take steps to improve your health now, before .

  • Follow your doctor's health care suggestions. This could include regular blood tests, , a , , and perhaps even . If you have questions, ask them -- you are responsible for your health and they are there to help.

  • if you are overweight. Even a weight loss of 10 or 15 pounds can help!

  • Establish a regular exercise routine. Exercise is a great way to feel better and get fit (as a bonus, it could make it a little easier to lose weight too). It also helps to control blood sugar levels. A combination of cardio exercise (like jogging, biking, swimming) and resistance training using weights is best. Include

Type 2 diabetics suffer many unpleasant and harmful symptoms, and are also at higher risk of developing many health complications. Prevention of diabetes is possible, or a delay in developing the full-blown disease... but you need to take action now. There are things you can do immediately to . If you show symptoms or think you may be at risk, visit your doctor and take the first steps towards a healthy lifestyle change to lower your risk of diabetes.



The information on this website is based on our own research and personal experience, and is not a substitute for medical advice. Questions about your health and individual situation should be directed to your doctor.