Diabetes treatment plans usually consist of four important components:
Most people would probably prefer to avoid medication where possible. For many people, it is possible to control diabetes without resorting to medication. It takes commitment and consistency to the other three parts of the treatment plan: diet, exercise, and weight control.
Many tasty and delicious diabetic recipes
and cookbooks
are available to help ease one's way into dietary changes. Because the
in foods quickly raise blood sugar levels, diabetics have to
be especially careful about what they eat, how much they eat, and even when
they eat. Complex carbohydrates provide a slower, steadier release of sugar,
while refined carbohydrates, sweets, and processed foods tend to provide
a quick release of sugar, or a blood sugar "spike" -- something
that diabetics want to avoid.
Eating on a regular schedule also helps to control blood glucose levels. Rather than eating when you feel like it, or eating when you get around to it, a regular meal and snack schedule helps to keep blood sugar steady throughout the day. Portion control is important too, as you don't want to eat huge meals that raise your blood sugar quickly. The foods you choose for your meal are also important to help balance things out -- don't eat all your protein in one meal and all your carbs in another. Try to get a mix of different nutrients in every meal. For example, eating an egg for breakfast won't raise your blood sugar much. But if you follow it up a couple of hours later with a snack of a few pieces of white toast and a brownie, your blood sugar is likely to spike.
Your fasting blood glucose is checked every morning before you eat or drink anything other than water - usually 8 to 12 hours after your last snack or drink. If you find that your blood sugar levels are too high, there are several things you can try.
Most people have their biggest meal at dinner time,
often with lots of carbohydrates such as bread or rolls, potatoes, rice, or
pasta. Try some substitutions: instead of a roll, have a small piece of fruit
or some extra veggies. Substitute the high-protein superfood, quinoa Another way to make a change is to simply cut down slightly on the portions of
carbohydrate-containing foods that you eat. Portion control is important not just
because of the calories, but also to help manage blood sugar levels due to the
carbohydrates in foods. For example, if you normally eat two cups of pasta, try
reducing that by 1/2 cup; if you normally eat a roll with dinner, try half a roll.
Have a smaller snack before bed. If you're not currently eating anything
at all before bed, and your fasting glucose is too high, trying a small snack
is worthhwhile. Since a diabetic's body doesn't properly use or produce
insulin, this often helps.
You might also try eating something different for your bedtime snack. For example, if you've
been having a piece of toast, try something with fewer carbohydrates - a
half glass of milk, for example, or a half a piece of fruit.
A dietitian can be a tremendous help with diabetic meal planning. He or she can
help you include the foods you like, answer your questions, and make adjustments as
you continue learning to control diabetes. The goal is create a sustainable meal
plan, one that you can continue for the rest of your life. For most people, that
means including at least some of the foods you enjoy.
It's hard to start exercising if you've been fairly sedentary so far.
exercise is one of the most important things you can do to manage
diabetes. Not only does it help you get fit, it helps to control blood
sugar levels, improves cholesterol, blood pressure, and circulation (all
issues that can lead to additional serious
health complications)
-- and it's a natural
enhancer. After exercising, people report feeling happier, more relaxed, and more confident.
Regular exercise is the most beneficial for everyday management of
type 2 diabetes. Ideally, you would exercise most, if not every day
of the week for at least 30 minutes at a time. Don't be a "weekend
warrior" and try to do all of your exercise in those two days.
Get into a regular routine and stick with it. If you need motivation,
invite a friend (you'll be less likely to skip exercising if someone
is expecting you), or join a class (many people enjoy the group setting,
plus there's an opportunity to socialize too).
If you still find that your blood sugar levels are too high (whether
fasting levels, or after you eat), then try one of the following tips.
Many people find it easier to establish
a routine, a set time every day when they exercise. However, depending on how
your body responds, you might need to change it up a bit. Try exercising
before a meal... or within an hour or two after eating. If your fasting
glucose is too high, try a brisk 15-minute walk before bed.
Exercise that gets the heart pumping is great for fitness, for maintaining or losing
weight, and for helping to manage blood sugar. If your glucose levels
are too high, boost the intensity of your workout a little - that
doesn't mean you have to go all out for the entire routine... but try
to do a few minutes at higher intensity to see if it helps. Always
get the go-ahead from your doctor first, especially if you are new to
exercising or have other health conditions that may impact your ability
to exercise.
Sometimes a few extra minutes can make all the difference when it comes to managing
blood sugar levels. Start with an extra 5 or 10 minutes and see how your
body responds.
If you normally walk, try a short jog or a swim instead. Try lifting weights, going
for a bike ride, playing tennis, or playing a game of 'tag' with the kids! There are also
loads of exercise videos Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. There
are some exercises that shouldn't be done by diabetics with certain
conditions or complications.
Make sure you know the signs of hypoglycemia
(low blood sugar) and how to deal with it. Exercising more than you're used
to, or skipping a meal, for instance, can cause your blood sugar to drop too
Being overweight or
obese is one of the big risk factors for diabetes.
Excess weight leads to insulin resistance,
which occurs when a body stops responding to insulin properly.
Losing weight --
even just 10 or 15 pounds -- can help your body become more sensitive to
Losing weight is never easy. Fortunately, eating a healthy, portion-controlled
diet as well as engaging in regular exercise, will make it easier to lose weight.
Everyone's body is different -- even if you are finding it difficult to drop
pounds with diet and exercise, you can prevent additional weight gain. Do not
go on any fad diets or take diet pills to drop the weight. These can be harmful,
especially to a diabetic.
Learning how to control diabetes without medication is great, but the reality is
that it doesn't work for everyone. Some people's bodies just don't sufficiently respond
to lifestyle changes; other people find it too difficult to make or maintain the necessary
lifestyle changes. It's certainly worth a try: becoming healthier is always good, and if
it can prevent you from having to take pills or insulin shots, then all the better! Some
people have even found that with consistent attention to diet, exercise, and
weight, all their symptoms of type 2 diabetes have even disappeared.
for rice. You can also bake your own breads and use
spelt or
coconut flour
in place of regular wheat flour. Spelt
is an ancient grain with more protein and a lower
glycemic index then
wheat, while coconut flour
boasts an extremely high fiber content as well as more protein than wheat.
Change Your Bedtime Snack
Talk to a Dietitian
Establishing a Regular Exercise Routine
Change When You Exercise
Change the Intensity of Your Exercise Routine
Change the Duration of Your Exercise Session
Try Something New
to choose from - try yoga
tai chi
various types of dance
or zumba
Keeping things fresh and interesting can make it easier to keep going, even when
you don't always feel like it.
Consult a Doctor
Weight Loss and Weight Control
Lifestyle Changes vs Medication