Type 2 Diabetes Guide

How to Handle High Blood Sugar - Preventing Complications

High blood sugar, or , is something that people with type 2 diabetes have to deal with all the time. The concern is when glucose levels rise higher than the target levels that your doctor has set for you. High levels of blood glucose that go unnoticed or untreated can eventually lead to further . Here area few tips on .

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Causes of High Blood Sugar

Many things can cause high blood sugar. These include:

  • Missing a dose of insulin or medication;
  • Skipping your usual exercise;
  • Eating too much (more than usual);
  • Illness;
  • High stress.

Fortunately, high blood sugar isn't usually a sudden thing - it tends to develop more slowly then extreme low blood sugar (), over hours or even sometimes over the course of a few days.

Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

Symptoms include increased thirst and tiredness. A prolonged and/or continued increase in blood sugar levels can make the thirst and tiredness worse, plus lead to increased urination as well. That in turn can lead to dehydration. Severe dehydration can cause a whole other set of issues including death, if the dehyration is extreme enough.

Avoiding High Blood Sugar

To avoid the dangers of high blood sugar:

  • . If you see a pattern of high blood sugar, talk to your doctor - your medication dosage may need adjustment, or he or she may recommend adjusting exercise routines or diet to keep your blood sugar levels under good control.

  • if you are ill, if you are under stress, or if you have not been following your usual routine. This will pinpoint any problems before they get too severe. All of these things can affect blood sugar. It is helpful to record blood glucose readings in a log book. This will allow you to more easily spot unusual readings or patterns. Be sure to make notes any to indicate possible causes.

  • In the short term, engage in gentle to moderate physical exercise to help regulate your blood sugar right away. Be sure to check your blood glucose afterwards to make sure it's where you want it to be.

  • Stay hydrated.

Sticking to a regular routine is the best way to avoid episodes of high blood sugar. But even the most diligent person who sticks strictly to a regular exercise and meal regimen won't always be able to avoid the occasional high blood sugar. Our bodies sometimes change, or life distracts us from our usual routines. Once you know how to handle high blood sugar, you will be aware of what to watch for so that you can get back on track.



The information on this website is based on our own research and personal experience, and is not a substitute for medical advice. Questions about your health and individual situation should be directed to your doctor.