A change in diet and meal planning is almost certainly going to be a part
of a diabetes treatment plan, as the foods you eat
will affect your blood
sugar levels. This can affect family meal times since you may
have to modify your food choices, eat smaller
as well as eat regularly (or smaller, more frequent meals) to avoid dramatic
fluctuations in blood sugar.
This can be difficult for the other members of your family to adjust to.
This is especially hard if they're accustomed to certain foods that you now
need to limit in your diet. Make meal-time an adventure; try out some new tasty
diabetic-friendly recipes Likewise, it will be hard to adjust to having dinner at a restaurant
or attending a party where there are all sorts of tempting treats. It may
well be that you need to eat a higher-protein, higher-fiber snack before
going to the party so that it's easier for you to resist munching foods
you shouldn't. Some restaurants will be accommodating if you ask them to
prepare a dish a little differently. If you don't want to ask in front of
your dinner companions, call ahead and see if the restaurant can meet your
Anyone who doesn't have an established exercise routine will tell you
how hard it is to get started. Plus you may have to deal with unsupportive
friends or family members who don't understand why you want to exert
yourself so much - and let's face it, it's hard to exercise diligently
when the rest of your family is parked in front of the TV, relaxing!
But it's important. Start slow. Pick an exercise you can stick with,
even if it's just walking for 15 minutes/day. Gradually increase the amount
of exercise you get. Exercising at the same time every day makes it easier
to get into a routine.
Remember that all types of exercise, for even short durations, is beneficial.
Walk, weight-train, dance, roller-blade, go skiing, go swimming, take an aerobics
class, join a fun sports league, play tag with the kids or go hiking with the dog
-- "exercise" doesn't mean you have to pound away on a treadmill if that's
not your thing! Or stock up on a variety of exercise videos Being active is important - choose something you enjoy.
Diabetics often feel very tired, thirsty, and often times get don't
a good night's sleep (see more signs of
diabetes). This can make it difficult to do things like plan proper
meals or stick with your exercise routine.
Another consequence of type 2 diabetes
is its affect on a person's sex life. Women with diabetes often have less interest in sex
and experience a decrease in vaginal lubrication (which can make intercourse painful).
They may also experience recurring
yeast infections.
Men may experience periods of impotence.
These issues can obviously cause frustration in a relationship
but they can be alleviated somewhat by medication and over-the-counter products.
Other physical changes can include itchy, dry skin,
foot pain,
neuropathy or nerve pain,
recurring Candida infections,
dental problems, and more.
More serious health complications
can also result from diabetes.
Make sure you're getting regular visits to your doctor to make
any necessary adjustments to your diabetes treatment plan. And make sure
you follow the plan -- untreated diabetes, or improperly managed
diabetes, can lead to additional complications
and thus decreased life expectancy.
People with diabetes can do almost any job that someone without diabetes
can do (a few rare jobs may be restricted due to the nature of the work
involved). However, many diabetics have to give themselves insulin injections.
In the workplace this has the potential to be awkward for both you or for your
colleagues. Find a discrete way to give yourself the shot, somewhere that you
feel comfortable. There's no need to tell everyone that you are diabetic unless
you feel you want to... but someone in the workplace should be aware of your
condition so that they can get help if needed.
Blood monitoring equipment
test strips Newly-diagnosed people often wonder, how does diabetes affect a person's
lifestyle? As you can see, it's more than just a physical adjustment - it
affects every part of your life. If you are having trouble adjusting, or are
experiencing depression
or unusual mood swings,
talk to your doctor. Your doctor -- and dietitians, counsellors, or other specialists -- can help you
to adjust to your new life. Diabetes is a manageable condition, and it is well worth the time and
effort to discover what will keep you feeling your best.
to try to ease your family into your new way of eating. You can even offer a
homemade diabetic-friendly dessert
as an incentive for them to try new dishes.
Exercise helps diabetics
to regulate their blood sugar... plus it's just plain good for everyone to get fit!
Obesity is a major contributor
to diabetes and exercise can help with
weight loss.
Choose something new and interesting, like
tai chi
or zumba
Physical Changes
Financial Considerations
medication and insulin all
cost money. Getting life insurance
may also be more difficult -- and more expensive, if you're able to get it -- for someone with diabetes.
Costs of a change in diet and memberships to the gym, or the purchase of exercise
equipment, are all things that also need to be considered.
Making the Adjustment